Dr. Prerna Singhal (Gynecologist)
Dr. Ankur Singhal (Orthopaedics)
CALL US: 9717502233, 9717712348


We deal with a wide range of issues, including obstetrics, or pregnancy and childbirth, menstruation and fertility issues, hormone disorders, and others.
Moving into motherhood is one of the most cherished stages of a woman’s life. The journey from conception to delivery is many a time challenging and our aim is to guide the expecting mothers so that the journey becomes smooth, pleasurable and the outcome is a healthy mother and a healthy baby.
Our care includes regular antenatal checkups, dietary advice in pregnancy, exercise and yoga, guidance towards attaining normal vaginal birth/ painless delivery, cesarean section, post-pregnancy (postpartum) care, high-risk pregnancy care, and management.
High-risk pregnancy includes a pregnancy complicated by:
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
Placenta previa
Less growth of the baby (IUGR)
Previous surgeries such as lscs, myomectomy
Any other associated critical illness or history during pregnancy.
Our center is well facilitated by state-of-the-art techniques and equipment and the doctor as well as assisting staff are well trained to make pregnancy or comfortable and happy experience.
Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (It includes menstrual Problems like frequent periods, delayed periods, heavy or prolonged periods.) Abnormal Vaginal Discharge. Treatment for Fibroids, Ovarian Cyst, Polycystic Ovarian Disease, Endometriosis, Uterine Prolapse, Urinary problems in females.
Laparoscopy is a technique where we see the inside of the abdomen on a monitor TV with the help of very fine instruments called telescope and do the required procedure giving only 2 to 3 small around 0.5 to 1 cm cuts on the abdomen.
Laparoscopy is performed for the following reasons:
To know and treat the cause of infertility
To remove the Uterus ( Hysterectomy)
To remove the Fibroid ( Myomectomy)
To remove ovarian cysts ( Cystectomy)
To see whether the Fallopian tubes are open or not( tubal patency test)
Sterilisation procedure ( tubal ligation )
To treat ectopic pregnancy
To know and treat the cause of extreme pelvic pain
Infertility is defined as inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse infertile.
Causes of infertility -There are male , female and unknown factors of infertility.
Female Factors
Ovulation Disorders - there are certain conditions in which the hormones which regulate ovulation get disturbed, leading to anovulation, irregular ovulation (no or irregular egg formation respectively), hence leading to infertility.
PCOS- the most common condition nowadays, in which the females can present with clinical features like disturbed periods (generally delayed periods), facial hair known as hirsutism, acne (pimples) on the face. In PCOS, the male and female hormones present inside the female body go out of proportion due to which ovulation gets affected many a time, thus resulting in infertility or subfertility.
Tubal Factors - Fallopian tubes can undergo blockage due to numerous reasons like Chronic infection (bacterial/genital tuberculosis) Known as chronic PID. By previous surgeries of the abdomen might have resulted in adhesions around the tubes. Endometriosis
Endometriosis - This is a condition in which there are endometrial tissue deposits outside the uterus, which may result in inappropriate functioning of ovaries and fallopian tubes and improper hormonal milieu inside the uterine cavity deterring conception.
Uterine Problems - malformations or abnormalities in the uterus such as fibroids, polyps, septate uterus, genital TB are some of the known causes of infertility.
Hormonal Factors- these include thyroid hormone, prolactin hormone, pituitary gland, and hypothalamic hormones, all of which are important to regulate ovulation and uterine function.
What are the symptoms and when to visit the doctor?
Inability to conceive along with either of the following:
Changes in bleeding pattern i.e. less than 21 days or more than 35 days interval between 2 menstrual cycles.
Less than 2 days or more than 7 days menstrual flow in one cycle. Too frequent change of pads i.e. heavy periods or scanty flow in periods. Acne, facial hair( hirsutism) Hairloss Significant change in weight( more than 10% body weight change) in a span of 6 months. Long-standing lower abdominal pain / painful intercourse/abnormal vaginal discharge.
Male Factors
Abnormal semen parameters due to genetic, hormonal, or any other issue affecting the testes or male genital organs.
Lifestyle - excess alcohol,tobacco,exposure to heat,chemicals. Medical problems- diabetes mellitus, hypertension Infections like mumps, chlamydia, gonorrhea. Premature ejaculation , retrograde ejaculation , erectile dysfunction.
Erection and Ejaculation Problems. Decreased Sexual Desire. Changes in Hair Growth. Prominent Veins on Testicles (varicocele)